Pardon the hiatus, as I was in Bangkok for the whole of last week, chomping my way through all the delicious Thai fares, from the spicy to the sweets, and the dirt-cheap to the not-so-budgeted choices at restaurants and malls. Gratitude's in line for sc's assistance, for she's a fanatic (almost enviable frequencies!) traveller to the city of sins, shoppers' paradise, and foodies' wet dreams come true. ;)
But all in all, a rather fulfilling holiday, for it's been 3 years since I've been to Bangkok, and back then we were on extra tight budget (being students and all - back then, I spent merely RM1.2k for a 10 days trip to Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Pattaya, inclusive of airfare. Imagine that!).
This time around, we skipped most of the sight-seeings and tourist traps ... wait, I meant ATTRACTIONS. Lol. But not without a few, to avoid over-shopping/bingeing and came back poorer/fatter than ever.

Still crossing my fingers and keeping my mind open on the possibility of contracting the much-hyped, much-feared & downright devastating H1N1 virus aka Swine Flu. But since we can't call the flu that anymore, let's not.
But seriously, less than 10% of the people walked around with face masks in Bangkok, be it on the streets, in the malls, or at the eateries. Hehehe ... to imagine scooping ladles of piping hot Tom Yum into one's mouth underneath the mask. Mission IMpossible?
More posts to come in later days ...... IF the Motormouth does not evolve to become another statistic in the papers. =P
Part 3 - Chinatown - Night & Day
Part 4 - Floating Market and Death Railway
Part 7 - Fuji Japanese Restaurant in Bangkok
are u quarantined for real???
Bangkok? How nice...
well if u r quarantined..make sure u got internet, pictures and a computer!
Is that cha soba from Zen that I spy in one of the pics?
Is that cha soba from Zen that I spy in one of the pics?
That's a whole lot of eating there...
The food in Bangkok is OK. The problem is the water.
aww.. poor u.. hope ur feeling better soon!
Looking forward to your BKK posts... meanwhile, take care!
TNG : it's SELF/HOME quarantine, to prevent any unexpected infections, and to soften the post-holiday trauma .... hehe.
Selba : hey, how's things in jakarta? heard bout the bombing.
Joe : I'm fully-equipped, no sweat. hehehe ...
Unka : it's tenzaru soba (served wif tempura), from Fuji. cold noodles never tasted better, in such blistering climate.
ck lam : that's merely but some sample shots. too tired to put more lah, ck ... and still trying to arrange so that I can go for the 15/8/09 gathering at Vintage.
email2me : we avoided the roadside stalls mostly, and bought our water from 7-11.
CUmi & Ciki : as of now, STILL fine. asymptomatic, thankfully. let's hope I can be back to work in 2 days.
Pureglutton : thanks, I will!
all food! looking forwards ur new posts. cheer up, gonna out of quarantine soon!
it's very considerate of you to self quarantine yrself, bravo! :D
so patriotic!!! hahaha.. self-quarantined!
Anyway, I thought you were MIA :)
we are truly excited and will be waiting to read your Escape TO Bangkok posts soon! :)
So you did go to Fuji! :)
I just came back from Phuket and had self quarantined for 3 days. And I have to agree that Bangkok has much better food(or at least more choices) than Phuket. :)
I want to go Bangkok too, but heard that the weather is very hot there.
Ah can't wait for the bangkok food blog.
adoi the mango!!!! yummy yummy!! so many nice food. never go bangkok before.
better stay at home dont go anywhere. hahaha.
If you're indeed quarantined at home, why, pray tell, have you not started on the food posts from BKK?? I am ALWAYS game for reminders of how absolutely kickass the food is there, and how I NEED a visit so very badly! Hope there's some pork leg rice in the midst of your spree!
ai wei : hehehe, so far good. no signs or symptoms yet. good excuse to stay home.
babe_kl : gotta do what a healthcare professional should. :)
thule : MIA of course. got net connection there in Bangkok, but too lethargic to do anything significant.
BBO : yay! me excited as well. wonder where to start now ...
Jason : I just HAD to. TWICE. ;)
soo sean : your own initiative? or office's policy?
Little Inbox : it's hot alright. but not much difference than here in Msia.
FOod Paradise : patience, my friend ... is a virtue. :)
allenooi : mangoes in Bangkok is MAGNIFICIENT. sweet and pulp-ish ... i could have them all day, all night.
550ml jar of faith : net connection got problem lah ... very hard to connect earlier this noon. later, ok? =)
can't wait for your Thai food feast.
If I'm planning to go Bangkok end of this year, you can recommend places to eat right? *pretty please?* =D
Now I'm hungry... o_0
foodbin : feasting we did. but not entirely Thai .... if you get my drift!
Bangsar Babe : no problemo! hehehee... but i get my recommendations from sc and the net anyway.
I reached Penang Friday and started working on Monday. And I dared not to go back hometown. Considered quarantined?
soo sean : can loh. self-voluntary like me. heheheh ... good ma, least can rest a few days more.
hey, some pictures looks familiar... i see you had the grilled salt fish near isetan, seafood at chinatown, jap at Fuji and you managed to find the coconut ice cream in front of Pantip Plaza ka? :D
the 1st three YES, but the last one was at Floating Market. the coconut ice cream, at 15baht each.
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