The thorny but petite & colourful cactus ...

Sour temptations, awaiting their fate - pasta sauce, or tomyam soup?

Wake up and smell the .... tea?

The feeling may be akin to bungee jumping, but the precariously built structure is drawing the crowd, not unlike the moths that are hopelessly drawn to a light ....

A sanctuary for the believers ...

And a warming pot of boiling characters, celebrating friendship, and togetherness ...
Full account in days to come, as work is beckoning in Kuala Lumpur. Til then, make the most out of your day. We all deserve some form of pampering every once in a while .... =)
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I like that strawberry hanging there! wow! so sexy too!
Everything looks oh so fresh and clean... We do all deserve some pampering once in a while, don't we? ;)
How come you are EVERYWHERE but Ipoh? Haha!
Been some time back since i last visited Cameron. Maybe should do an Ipoh-Cameron trip one weekend.
Need to revisit this lovely place again...was there almost ten years ago. Did you use the new highway or the old road?
I miss eating the strawberries from the strawberry farm!
Everyone been to this place, except me. Shame hor?
i miss the time when i had tea overlooking the boh tea hill...but the journey back was a big turn off, i vomited all my way down till i totally knocked out!
Your strawberry got big bottoms too? Whew! all things red...nice ones. Love the lookout restaurant, I think is Equatorial right, it's so so lovely.
"Wake up and smell the .... tea?"
definitely a better/healthier choice...hehe
BBO : haha, sexy? wait, there's another raunchier pic. :)
life for beginners : yeah, all work no fun = self-checking in to an asylum.
precious pea : yeah, I also realised its been some time I posted anything on Ipoh. Cameron on weekends is buzzing with activities and people. but the weather's not so cooling anymore come daytime.
ck lam : use the new road, from Simpang Pulai. faster, easier to maneouvre, and reach Brinchang faster.
wmw : oh, and yet this trip, i did NOT buy any. bought some jagung though ...
NKOTB : nolah ... I also haven;t been to most tourist destinations in Malaysia. eg : Langkawi, Redang. (yeah, pitiful hor?)
xin : oh, that bad? but not as curvy compared to the old road huh?
jencooks : yeah, strawberries come in various funny forms. the place overlooking the hills of tea plantation is Sungai Palas Boh Tea plantation. very popular with the crowd.
nic : agreed! I'm a HUGE milk tea fan, since I was a small kid
Yah, the Boh Tea Plantation, the tea made and served there taste better but the moment u purchase and bring down CHighlands, which I did the taste is different, erm?
hi Jencooks, truthfully, I'm no fan of Boh Tea, but a die-hard Lipton supporter. therefore I seldom drink Boh. :)
I was at Cameron 2 weeks ago, didn't manage to find a nice strawberry for shooting like you did.. :(
LOL. vkeong : there are a lot at strawberry garden. or something like that. where ppl eat ice cream and such. i merely crawled over, extended my hand shamelessly and shot. =P
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